Geschützt: Leaves – Seamless Print – Method 1 (ENG)
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Geschützt: Leaves – Seamless Print – Method 1 (ENG) Weiterlesen »
Es gibt keinen Textauszug, da dies ein geschützter Beitrag ist.
Geschützt: Leaves – Seamless Print – Method 1 (ENG) Weiterlesen »
During the printing of the let\’s do this design I wanted to print the text in a different color after having just printed the \“lady\“. I had not taped off the darker blue, nor did I align properly (should maybe have drawn a horizontal line with a trick marker). Being a bit of a perfectionist,
When things go wrong… go darker.. Weiterlesen »
the \“spring thing\“ can be found in my shop here. The \“spring thing\“ design includes quite a few elements, of which most are easily aligned. Below you will get a short run-through of what to pay attention to depending on which one you would like to print. The different petals have one thing in common.
If you would like to print this design and don\’t have the file yet, you can find it in my etsy-shop. Using the text and figure stencil I first align where I would like to place the print on your shirt or any other surface for that matter. I have started by printing the white
I have started using a white primer layer when printing on darker fabrics. That being said, you will see that the quality and opacity of the color is decisive. The following pictures will show that in comparison the white is not particularly strong. Therefore I decided to add another layer of primer from a different
When printing on shirts I usually mark both the centre, as well as the height, of where I would like the top of the print to finish. Placing the stencils on shirt/fabric prior to printing may help you. (Noting that I mostly print the shirt before sewing it, meaning that I cut the different pieces
A short note to help you print the tiger, which can be found in my etsy-shop. One you get to the second layer pay attention to the outlines of the tiger – especially the belly and the back will help you with alignment; noting that the second layer should always stay within the outlines of
A quick little note that may help you.. When printing the design (which can be found here), the second layer with the font is the more challenging part. The alignment is tricky and you need to pay attention to the following: The font tops and bottoms highlighted in the red circle need be exactly on
same. same – BUT different Weiterlesen »
Motiv, Rapport und andere Möglichkeiten mit Siebdruck deinen Stoff einzigartig zu gestalten.. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu endlos. Und bevor es mit dem Drucken auf den Stoff los geht, gibt es diverse Entscheidungen die getroffen werden müssen. In den meisten Fällen hat man schon eine konkrete Vorstellung, zu: der Wahl des Stoffes der Farbe des Stoffes
Motiv, Rapport und Co. Weiterlesen »
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